Amiga Plus Leser 19
Amiga Plus Leser CD 19.iso
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474 lines
" --------------------------------------------------------------------- "
" GadTools class is the Parent class that interfaces AmigaTalk to the "
" gadtools.library in AmigaDOS. "
" --------------------------------------------------------------------- "
Class GadTools :Glyph ! intuiMsgObj windowObj visualInfoObj !
drawBoxFrom: sPoint to: ePoint tags: tagArray ! x y w h !
" This is a beveled box. The tags will say whether it's recessed or not "
x <- sPoint x. " These are NOT checked against window boundaries "
y <- sPoint y.
w <- ePoint x.
h <- ePoint y.
<primitive 239 2 windowObj x y w h tagArray>
<primitive 239 3 2 windowObj>
endRefresh: completeFlag
<primitive 239 3 3 windowObj completeFlag> " completeFlag = true or false"
^ intuiMsgObj <- <primitive 239 3 4 windowObj>
<primitive 239 3 5 intuiMsgObj>
replyIMsg: thisIntuiMsg
<primitive 239 3 5 thisIntuiMsg>
getMessageClass: intuiMsgObject
^ <primitive 239 3 10 intuiMsgObject>
getMessageCode: intuiMsgObject
^ <primitive 239 3 11 intuiMsgObject>
getMessageQualifier: intuiMsgObject
^ <primitive 239 3 12 intuiMsgObject>
getMessageIAddress: intuiMsgObject
^ <primitive 239 3 13 intuiMsgObject>
getMessageMouseX: intuiMsgObject
^ <primitive 239 3 14 intuiMsgObject>
getMessageMouseY: intuiMsgObject
^ <primitive 239 3 15 intuiMsgObject>
getMessageSeconds: intuiMsgObject
^ <primitive 239 3 16 intuiMsgObject>
getMessageMicros: intuiMsgObject
^ <primitive 239 3 17 intuiMsgObject>
getGadgetType: intuiMsgObject
^ <primitive 239 3 18 intuiMsgObject>
<primitive 239 3 6 windowObj>
^ intuiMsgObj <- <primitive 239 3 7 intuiMsgObj>
^ intuiMsgObj <- <primitive 239 3 8 intuiMsgObj>
^ windowObj " Tell subclasses what Window they are attached to "
registerTo: aWindowObject
^ windowObj <- aWindowObject
^ visualInfoObj
<primitive 239 3 0 visualInfoObj>.
" visualInfoObj cannot be used after this unless you perform
* getVisualInfo:tags: again
^ visualInfoObj <- nil
getVisualInfo: screenObj tags: tagArray
visualInfoObj <- <primitive 239 3 1 screenObj tagArray>.
(visualInfoObj isNil)
ifTrue: [ 'ERROR: could NOT obtain visualInfo from screen!' print.
^ nil
^ visualInfoObj
" --------------------------------------------------------------------- "
" NewGadgets Class is the class that interfaces AmigaTalk to the "
" new gadgets portion of gadtools.library "
" --------------------------------------------------------------------- "
Class NewGadgets :GadTools ! private gadgetList aNewGadgetObj windowObj !
^ nil
disposeGadgetList: gadgetListObj
" Equivalent to FreeGadgets() from gadtools.library: "
<primitive 239 0 0 gadgetListObj>
^ gadgetList <- <primitive 239 0 1>.
" Equivalent to CreateContext() from gadtools.library: "
^ private <- <primitive 239 0 2 gadgetList>.
disposeNewGadget: unNeededNewGadgetObj
" You will have to keep track of every newGadgetObj returned
* from makeNewGadget: & use this method on ALL of them
* (unless you have memory to burn). Once you've called
* addGadgetToList:type:tags:, a newGadgetObj is no longer
* needed & perhaps you should use this method afterwards:
<primitive 239 0 7 unNeededNewGadgetObj>.
^ nil
makeNewGadget: structureArray ! desiredSize !
desiredSize <- 12.
" structureArray is an Array Object with the following
* elements in the given order:
* ele[1] <- ng_LeftEdge, ele[2] <- ng_TopEdge,
* ele[3] <- ng_Width, ele[4] <- ng_Height,
* ele[5] <- ng_GadgetText, ele[6] <- ng_TextAttr,
* ele[7] <- ng_GadgetID, ele[8] <- ng_Flags,
* ele[9] <- ng_VisualInfo, ele[10] <- ng_UserData
* ele[11] <- NewGadget Type Tag
* ele[12] <- HotKey or nil.
* ele[10] (UserData) can be any AmigaTalk object
* but I recommend that you use a #methodSymbol.
* ele[7] (GadgetID) should be a 16-Bit Integer value.
^ aNewGadgetObj <- <primitive 239 0 3 structureArray desiredSize>
newStructArray: initArray ! newArray !
" Example usage:
* gType <- intuition getGadgetType: #BUTTON_KIND
* newGadget <- NewGadgets new
* vi <- newGadget visualInfoObject
* hotKey <- $K
* newStruct <- newGadget newStructArray: #( 10 40 100 20 'My _Gadget'
* textAttrObj gadgetID
* myFlags vi
* userData gType hotKey)
* newGadgetObj <- newGadget makeNewGadget: newStruct
newArray <- Array new: 12.
newArray at: 1 put: (initArray at: 1).
newArray at: 2 put: (initArray at: 2).
newArray at: 3 put: (initArray at: 3).
newArray at: 4 put: (initArray at: 4).
newArray at: 5 put: (initArray at: 5).
newArray at: 6 put: (initArray at: 6).
newArray at: 7 put: (initArray at: 7).
newArray at: 8 put: (initArray at: 8).
newArray at: 9 put: (initArray at: 9).
newArray at: 10 put: (initArray at: 10).
newArray at: 11 put: (initArray at: 11).
newArray at: 12 put: (initArray at: 12).
^ newArray
addGadgetToList: newGadgetObj at: gadgetObj type: gType tags: tagArray
" Equivalent to CreateGadgetA() from gadtools.library: "
^ <primitive 239 0 4 gadgetObj newGadgetObj gType tagArray>
setGadgetAttrs: gadgetObj with: tagArray
" Equivalent to GT_SetGadgetAttrsA() from gadtools.library: "
<primitive 239 0 5 gadgetObj windowObj tagArray>
getGadgetAttrs: gadgetObj with: tagArray
" Equivalent to GT_GetGadgetAttrsA() from gadtools.library: "
^ <primitive 239 0 6 gadgetObj windowObj tagArray>
registerTo: aWindowObject
(aWindowObject isNil)
ifTrue: [ 'NewGadgets Object given a nil Window object!' print.
^ nil
^ windowObj <- aWindowObject
waitForGadgetValue ! rval !
" Use the returned Object (or copy it) BEFORE using any method
* that uses <primitive 239 3 9 windowObj> again!
rval <- <primitive 239 3 9 windowObj>.
^ (rval at: 1)
waitForGadgetUserData ! rval !
" Smalltalk code has to call this inside a loop if there
* is more than one IDCMP event expected. You do NOT
* need to use beginRefresh or endRefresh arround this
* method. Any AmigaTalk Object is valid as the
* UserData stored in the NewGadget.
* Use the returned Object (or copy it) BEFORE using any method
* that uses <primitive 239 3 9 windowObj> again!
rval <- <primitive 239 3 9 windowObj>.
^ (rval at: 2)
getUserData: intuiMsgObj
" User pressed a gadget, so get the User Data associated with it: "
^ <primitive 239 0 8 intuiMsgObj>
getGadgetID: intuiMsgObj
" User pressed a gadget, so get the GadgetID associated with it: "
^ <primitive 239 0 9 intuiMsgObj>
" --------------------------------------------------------------------- "
" NewMenus Class is the class that interfaces AmigaTalk to the "
" new Menus portion of gadtools.library "
" Making a menu: "
" menu <- NewMenus new "
" menu allocateNewMenu: 3 "
" menu1Array <- Array new: 6 "
" menu2Array <- Array new: 6 "
" intuition <- Intuition new "
" menu1Array at: 1 put: (intuition getGadToolAttr: #NM_TITLE)"
" menu1Array at: 2 put: 'PROJECT' "
" menu1Array at: 3 put: 0 NO nm_CommKey for a Menu Title! "
" menu1Array at: 4 put: 0 "
" menu1Array at: 5 put: 0 "
" menu1Array at: 6 put: 0 "
" menu2Array at: 1 put: (intuition getGadToolAttr: #NM_ITEM)"
" menu2Array at: 2 put: 'Load a file..' "
" menu2Array at: 3 put: 'L' "
" menu2Array at: 4 put: 0 "
" menu2Array at: 5 put: 0 "
" menu2Array at: 6 put: 0 "
" menu fillNewMenuItem: 1 with: menu1Array "
" menu fillNewMenuItem: 2 with: menu2Array "
" You MUST have one of these for a valid menu strip: "
" menu fillNewMenuItem: 3 with: (menu endOfMenuArray: intuition) "
" chk1 <- menu createMenuStrip: tagArray1 -- CreateMenusA() tags apply here "
" chk2 <- initializeMenus: tagArray2 -- LayoutMenusA() tags apply here "
" --------------------------------------------------------------------- "
Class NewMenus :GadTools ! private newMenuArrayObj windowObj !
<primitive 239 1 0 private newMenuArrayObj>
dispose " Synonym for disposeMenu: "
self disposeMenu
allocateNewMenu: numItems ! chk !
" newMenuArrayObj is an Array of NewMenu objects "
chk <- <primitive 239 1 1 numItems>.
(chk isNil)
ifTrue: [ 'Did NOT allocateNewMenu:' print].
^ newMenuArrayObj <- chk
endOfMenuArray: intuitionObj ! endArray !
endArray <- Array new: 6.
endArray at: 1 put: (intuitionObj getGadToolAttr: #NM_END).
endArray at: 2 put: nil. " NO nm_Label "
endArray at: 3 put: nil. " NO nm_CommKey "
endArray at: 4 put: 0. " NO nm_Flags "
endArray at: 5 put: 0. " NO nm_MutualExclude"
endArray at: 6 put: 0. " NO nm_UserData "
^ endArray
xxxMakeArray: t k: k f: f x: ex data: data ! rval !
" See fileNewMenuItem comments: "
rval <- Array new: 6.
rval at: 2 put: t.
rval at: 3 put: k.
rval at: 4 put: f.
rval at: 5 put: ex.
rval at: 6 put: data.
^ rval
initMenuArray: intObj title: title key: commKey flags: flags exclude: mx data: userData
! rval !
" Make a new Menu. See fileNewMenuItem comments: "
rval <- self xxxMakeArray: title k: commKey f: flags x: mx data: userData.
rval at: 1 put: (intObj getGadToolAttr: #NM_TITLE).
^ rval
initMenuItemArray: intObj title: title key: commKey flags: flags exclude: mx data: userData
! rval !
" Make a new MenuItem. See fileNewMenuItem comments: "
rval <- self xxxMakeArray: title k: commKey f: flags x: mx data: userData.
rval at: 1 put: (intObj getGadToolAttr: #NM_ITEM).
^ rval
initSubItemArray: intObj title: title key: commKey flags: flags exclude: mx data: userData
! rval !
" Make a new SubItem. See fileNewMenuItem comments: "
rval <- self xxxMakeArray: title k: commKey f: flags x: mx data: userData.
rval at: 1 put: (intObj getGadToolAttr: #NM_SUB).
^ rval
initMenuImageArray: intObj title: title key: commKey flags: flags exclude: mx data: userData
! rval !
" Make a new MenuItem. See fileNewMenuItem comments: "
rval <- self xxxMakeArray: title k: commKey f: flags x: mx data: userData.
rval at: 1 put: (intObj getGadToolAttr: #IM_ITEM).
^ rval
initSubImageArray: intObj title: title key: commKey flags: flags exclude: mx data: userData
! rval !
" Make a new SubItem. See fileNewMenuItem comments: "
rval <- self xxxMakeArray: title k: commKey f: flags x: mx data: userData.
rval at: 1 put: (intObj getGadToolAttr: #IM_SUB).
^ rval
fillNewMenuItem: itemNumber with: structureArray
" structureArray is an Array Object with the following
* elements in the given order:
* ele[1] <- nm_Type, ele[2] <- nm_Label,
* ele[3] <- nm_CommKey, ele[4] <- nm_Flags,
* ele[5] <- nm_MutualExclude, ele[6] <- nm_UserData
* ele[6] is an Array as follows:
* udele[1] <- userData (Usually a #methodSymbol,
* udele[2] <- menu ID Integer or String,
* udele[3] <- equivalent to ele[3] (nm_CommKey)
(<primitive 239 1 2 itemNumber structureArray newMenuArrayObj> ~= true)
ifTrue: [ self disposeMenu.
'ERROR: Could NOT fill a NewMenu entry!' print.
^ nil
createMenuStrip: tagArray ! chk !
chk <- <primitive 239 1 3 newMenuArrayObj tagArray>.
(chk isNil)
ifTrue: [ 'Did NOT createMenuStrip:' print.
^ nil
^ private <- chk
^ (super visualInfoObject)
initializeMenus: tagArray ! chk viObj !
" This method returns true if successful, false if the menus
* could NOT be laid-out, nil if there is an error condition.
viObj <- self visualInfo.
chk <- <primitive 239 1 4 private viObj tagArray>.
(chk ~= true)
ifTrue: [ 'Did NOT initialize NewMenus object!' print.
^ false
^ true
initializeMenus: viObj tags: tagArray ! chk !
" This method returns true if successful, false if the menus
* could NOT be laid-out, nil if there is an error condition.
chk <- <primitive 239 1 4 private viObj tagArray>.
(chk ~= true)
ifTrue: [ 'Did NOT initialize NewMenus object!' print.
^ false
^ true
waitForMenuString ! rval !
" Smalltalk code has to call this inside a loop if there
* is more than one IDCMP event expected. You do NOT
* need to use beginRefresh or endRefresh arround this
* method.
* Use the returned Object (or copy it) BEFORE using any method
* that uses <primitive 239 3 9 windowObj> again!
rval <- <primitive 239 3 9 windowObj>.
^ (rval at: 2)
waitForMenuUserData ! rval !
" Smalltalk code has to call this inside a loop if there
* is more than one IDCMP event expected. You do NOT
* need to use beginRefresh or endRefresh arround this
* method. Make sure that you use only AmigaTalk Objects
* as the UserData stored in the NewMenu. This method will
* return nil if the Menu Item selected was NULL.
* Use the returned Object (or copy it) BEFORE using any method
* that uses <primitive 239 3 9 windowObj> again!
rval <- <primitive 239 3 9 windowObj>.
^ (rval at: 1)
getMenuUserData: intuiMsgCode
" User selected a menu item, so return the User Data associated with it: "
^ <primitive 239 1 5 windowObj intuiMsgCode>
getMenuItem: intuiMsgCode
" Returns the MenuItem selected as an Object: "
^ <primitive 239 1 6 windowObj intuiMsgCode>
isMenuNull: intuiMsgCode
" check to see if the intuiMsgCode is MENUNULL, return true or false: "
^ <primitive 239 1 7 private intuiMsgCode>
getMenuNumber: intuiMsgCode
^ <primitive 239 1 8 intuiMsgCode>
getMenuItemNumber: intuiMsgCode
^ <primitive 239 1 9 intuiMsgCode>
getSubNumber: intuiMsgCode
^ <primitive 239 1 10 intuiMsgCode>
getFullMenuNumber: intuiMsgCode
^ <primitive 239 1 11 intuiMsgCode>
registerTo: aWindowObject
(aWindowObject isNil)
ifTrue: [ 'NewMenus Object given a nil Window object!' print.
^ nil
^ windowObj <- aWindowObject